and some Tips for Beginners
In our last post, we talked about sharing the things you know and enjoy by writing for other web surfers to read and enjoy.
Hopefully, you’ve created your report or article. Great. What Title did you create for it?
What Headline and sub-headlines did you use?
Your headline is the first thing your potential readers will see and it has a major purpose. It must capture your reader’s attention and stimulate their interest in your article.
You’ll often hear that the ‘Headline is an Ad for an Ad’. It’s the Ad for your article and it must grab you reader’s interest, keep them from surfing away from your webpage, and arouse their curiosity and desire to read more.
As the initial point of contact with your writings, your headline is often the only chance you’ll have to get them to look at your work…
…and you’ll have only a few seconds to do it.
There has been much written on how to create successful and productive headlines.
David Garfinkel, known by many as "the world's greatest copywriting coach” wrote a first class article -"How Headlines Help You Sell More Information on the Web" that you can read HERE.
He offers some cool tips that’ll help you write headlines to grab your reader's attention.
I suggest you write a half dozen versions following David's guidelines. Let them rest for awhile and come back later for a review. You'll see a word here, or a phrase there that you can tweak to make them more powerful. Select the best and use it.
If that one doesn't produce the results you'd like, test one of the others. Tweaking and testing will lead to more rewarding results.
Tags : Headlines

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