Valuable Information waiting to be Discovered in Blogs
I'm a blogger and if you are reading this, you probably are, too. In a broad sense, bloggers not only create and publish information, they search for, read, and benefit from the mother lode of treasures awaiting discovery in someone else's weblog...
...and sharing these treasures through references to the postings of other bloggers can lead to increased visitor traffic, cyber friendships, and a greater web presence.
For example, I recently 'discovered' . It contains an abundance of smart and practical ways for handling, saving, and enjoying money.
It's worth sharing with your family and special friends - they don't have to be bloggers, either. Just provide them with this link -
(Wikipedia and don't actually define "blogger" as a person, but they do use the term in the same context as I have used it here.)
Technorati does Tag it -
blogger is truly a Cornucopia of Money Saving Tips and Advice.
Promote your Web Presence with Compelling "Sales" copy
Yes - you are Selling Yourself.
The more compelling you make each section of your sales letter, the greater your response will be. Great Sales copy has the power to make or break a direct-marketing campaign, a product launch - and a "marketer’s career."
In "21 Secrets of Great Sales Copy", Clayton Makepeace digs in to the difference between good sales copy and bad sales copy. It’s an important question, and getting it right can make the difference between mediocre recognition and hitting an out-of-the-park homerun.
Promote yourself successfully just like you were writing a Sales letter with these 21 Secrets to Writing Great Sales Copy.
A quick update on STINGER
If you don't have an Emergency backup Virus Protection program yet, here's an step you could take, Right Now!
McAfee offers a FREE Virus Scanning program called STINGER.
It has grown in size a little over the past few years and no longer fits on a single floppy Disk. But so many of the newer PCs, including lap tops don't have an "A" floppy drive anyway, you should burn it to a CD for an offline back up tool.
You can use it as we do, to check any of your PC computers for viruses, without being on line. Sometimes those clever Trojans disable your Internet connection. Stinger helped us some time ago when one of our computers became infected and we couldn't get online to update the Anti-Virus software.
It is an 'After the Fact' application, which means that it does not scan incoming email files, attachments or downloads, but it does scan whatever you have already received while online.
It currently checks and repairs more than 50 recent Medium and High Risk threats. It's FREE to download from McAfee STINGER
Stinger v3.8.0 - Updated September 10, 2007 is a Free download from McAfee at
Future Updates will be announced here