
Forums - Gold Mines of Free Information
and It's Really Easy Digging

Years back when I started to browse the Internet, Bulletin Boards and forums were a source of information I overlooked for the longest time.

When I eventually did start to visit them, it was with a bit of hesitation.

My initial reaction was that the moderators and even the people posting were so much more experienced than I, that it was somewhat intimidating.

Yes, I had questions that I might have asked and comments that could have been offered, but I didn't want to be embarrassed and look dumb to all of the forum visitors.

So what did I do? I Lurked. I was learning... and the biggest thing I learned was that forums existed covering all of the things that really interested me.

Then I got a bit more brave and made a few posts and asked a few questions.

Forums are Gold Mines of information and opportunity. One of the great benefits of visiting forums is that just about any question that comes to mind has already been asked - and answered.

And if the answer to your question doesn't already exist on a forum, people will willingly and unselfishly pitch in and answer it.

If forums are something new to you, give them a try. Read "Skills for Using Forums". It's a short and free report that will really help you get started...

... Download you free "Forum Super Tips" Guide while you're there.


We had a skunk attack in our side yard around 3 AM this morning.
The stink was bad enough to keep me awake for a couple of hours.

However, the time wasn't wasted. My mind was busy thinking about
what helpful information I might post today.

A few years ago, I prepared a little article about getting started with
marketing online. It reviewed a lot of what I experienced as I began
to create my websites, blogs and information reports.

I planned to share that with you today. It's titled

Welcome to 'Getting Started Reports'

A preview of what to expect when Creating
your own Web Presence

Here's what's in that article:

"There's so much to talk about that it's a bit difficult to know exactly
where to start. So, let's make this our beginning, and just talk 'til we
come to the end of our discussion.

Actually, there isn't really a definable end to our subject of 'Getting
Started Creating Your Own Web Presence'.

We're going to talk about some things to expect when starting an
internet business. We're not going to start by re-inventing internet
marketing, e-commerce, or anything like that and we are not
a course in website construction or a course for
internet sales tricks.

There are already many outstanding top quality such programs by
super successful marketers available for sale.

Some of them can be obtained through the RichardPresents.com
website. There are even outstanding top quality programs available
at no charge, particularly... read more here

Over the years, I've written and collected some information items
that are still very appropriate for anyone involved in creating
a web presence.

I plan to post these in the future.

I hope everyone remembers and honors their Fathers and
Grandfathers today. It makes us feel good.


Cyber-Socializing to Create a Web Presence

Get on board the Web 2.0 juggernaught

One of the tricks is to participate socially - as in communities.

Technorati is a good example. Get your blog listed.

Just follow their relatively simple guidelines to create
your own Technorati Profile

Add to Technorati Favorites


It's been awhile since I posted here.

I've devoted most of my efforts to providing security information updates to the Firewalls and Virus Protection website and my Security Alert Blog.

The importance of being safe online is something that most web surfers are aware of, but not something that seems to be the thing they think about most.

Nearly everyone has their own special interest, hobby, or pastime that occupies their thoughts and time for a major portion of their waking day.

Many people follow their interests and use their computer time to search for more information on the things that excite them. Some seek income opportunities to promote their niche marketing ideas and run their own businesses on the Internet.

For some, it might be sports, for others it could be reading, gardening, traveling, cooking, family activities, or spending time with their computers just surfing the Internet.

I fit into the latter group, as well, and have collected a variety of tips, tools, articles and ebooks for my other interests. Some of those might match your special fun interests, too. So I've included many of these "Tips and Tools for doing the things you really like" on my RichardPresents.com website.

Are you aware of the abundance of information and advice available on public forums? O
ne of the great benefits of visiting forums on the Internet is that just about any question that might come to your mind has probably already been asked - and answered! Most forums have a Search feature that can lead you to answers to your questions.

But you can also ask for advice, as well...and you'll get the maximum benefit from your forum visits after reading my report page on
"Skills for Using Forums". It's free, of course.

There will be more updates
to make your business and family fun activities and journeys on the World Wide Web much more exciting, secure, and rewarding.

Thanks for being here today.
I'm looking forward to your next visit (and your comments are more than welcome).